Campus Safety


Learn more about how Coker University keeps you safe

About Coker University Campus Safety

正规博彩十大网站校园安全负责校园社区的安全. Campus Safety; provided by Synergy Security Services, LLC, 努力提供一个安全可靠的环境,同时提供优质的客户服务. 他们在整个校园进行巡逻,包括概述Coker物业,并可在24小时的基础上协助Coker社区. 他们可以帮助居民报告盗窃、事故和火灾. 其他服务包括提供紧急医疗援助和深夜护送. Their office is located at 307 East Carolina Avenue. Coker officers do not have arrest powers; however, they work very close with the Hartsville Police Department.

For medical emergencies, please call 911.


Message from the Director

正规博彩十大网站是一个令人惊叹和美丽的地方,由真正特殊和有才华的学生和学者组成. Campus is a small, inviting, and strong-knit community, but we face the same challenges as other schools across the nation. The safety, security, and welfare of everyone who lives, works, and visits Coker, YOUR welfare, is my primary concern.

校园安全办公室的工作人员竭诚为您和我们的社区提供各种帮助, but campus safety is a responsibility we all share. By working with the members of Campus Safety, keeping your eyes open, taking basic precautions, and using good, sound judgment, we can all be assured of the safest possible experience.

我期待着与整个Coker社区合作,使校园成为一个安全和愉快的生活场所, work, study, play, and visit. Your cooperation is vital to our success, 我鼓励你熟悉校园安全网页和其中包含的信息.


Michael Williamson
Director of Campus Safety and Security

Our Oath to You

Mission Statement

正规博彩十大网站校园安全的使命是通过提供一个有利于学习的安全环境来提高正规博彩十大网站的生活质量, 与这个多元化机构的教育目标是一致的, while building community partnerships that foster trust, mutual respect, and cooperation. 正规博彩十大网站校园安全在坚持专业的核心价值观的同时,努力完成自己的使命, Integrity, Communication, Service, Respect, Loyalty and Duty.

To fulfill this mission, 校园安全监督致力于通过持续的培训和支持性领导,为其人员提供优质的工作环境和发展. 实现这一使命需要不断培训校园安全人员, frequent re-evaluation of performance, patrol enforcement techniques and strategies and the collaboration, cooperation and support of the entire campus community.

Safety First

Your safety is imperative to us. Learn below how you can stay safe in dangerous situations.

Preparing for a hurricane

Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. 请使用以下指南为飓风和潜在的恶劣天气和条件做好准备.

Quick Links

Phone numbers, definitions, and more

Safety Forms

Need a parking pass, or a new key? You’re right where you need to be.

Campus Safety Reports

克莱利法案要求大学报告校园犯罪数据, support victims of violence, 并公开概述他们为改善校园安全而实施的政策和程序.

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